ECCT’s NFC reader plugs into the USB port of your PC or Tablet and reads all of ECCT’s smart devices via an NFC interface.
To use the NFC reader, our MedicciScanTM application for Windows must be installed on your PC or Tablet .
The MedicciScanTM application is used to handout (program) the smart devices, to display the information stored in the smart devices and to send this information to the MediccinetTM database.
Access to the various features supported by our MedicciScanTM application is password protected. ECCT issues usernames and passwords allowing varying levels of access depending on the authorisation level of the user.
Key Features
- Windows app
- Downloadable from Mediccinet™
- Displays data stored in smart devices
- Secure connection for sending encrypted data via the Internet to the Mediccinet™ database
ECCT’s MedicciScanTMapp can be customized to suit specific customer requirements. Please feel free to contact us for further information or for a free trial of the MedicciScanTM software and hardware.